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What are insider threats? Definition, types, threat cost and mitigation
InActiveLock Continuous Endpoint Authentication (CEA)Remote Workforce AuthenticationZero Trust

Insider Threats To Watch Out for With a Remote Workforce

Insider threats include individuals within an organization who purposely or by mistake expose company information. Because proprietary data, customer information, and trade secrets are the heart and soul of any enterprise, security systems and processes to reduce insider threats are essential. Surprisingly, most insider threats result from negligent employees, such as those working remotely, who…
The complete guide to Vue.js User Authentication with Verify2FA and Crud App
InBuilt with TypingDNAGuest Author ProgramVerify 2FA

How to build an authentication flow in a CRUD app with Vue 3 and TypingDNA Verify 2FA

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use TypingDNA Verify 2FA to secure a CRUD application. This application was built with Vue, Quasar, Express, and TypingDNA Verify 2FA. It is a single-page application that has the following views: VerifyView, HomeView. The VerifyView is where you will use TypingDNA Verify to verify the user’s typing…
5 PCI DSS Compliance Requirement for remote access
InCompliance RegulationsRemote Workforce AuthenticationSCA/PSD2

PCI DSS Compliance Requirements for Remote Work: 5 Things You Must Know

If your business handles credit card and payment information, you’re responsible for keeping that cardholder data secured by obeying the Payment and Card Information Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance requirements. But when your workforce is remote and your endpoints are unprotected, keeping that data safe is an unprecedented challenge facing today’s security teams.  As more…
Windows Defender for Endpoint Can Stop a Cyberattack, But Not Device Sharing
InActiveLock Continuous Endpoint Authentication (CEA)Remote Workforce AuthenticationZero Trust

Windows Defender for Endpoint Can Stop a Cyberattack, But Not Device Sharing

Windows Defender for Endpoint and similar antimalware/antivirus systems are all pretty good at analyzing incoming cyber threats that target endpoints, and responding to virus threats. But, what these systems fail at is providing visibility into whether the employee you trusted with that company endpoint is the one who’s actually accessing it throughout the entire workday —…
Remote call center equipment for customer data security
InActiveLock Continuous Endpoint Authentication (CEA)Remote Workforce Authentication

Working from home call center equipment to ensure customer data security

From laptops to headphones, call center employees working remotely require the right equipment to be successful. But working from home presents an even bigger challenge: sensitive customer data is now spread across thousands of company laptops — so knowing who is accessing your company’s devices at all times becomes increasingly important.  Below, we explore why…
InActiveLock Continuous Endpoint Authentication (CEA)Press ReleaseVerify 2FAZero Trust

Expert Insights Awards TypingDNA Best of Zero Trust Solutions, Plus 2 More Cybersecurity Categories

On April 12th, 2022, Expert Insights announced their “Best Of” Cybersecurity awards — declaring TypingDNA as the winner across 3 major categories.  Expert Insights declared TypingDNA as the winner across 3 cybersecurity categories: Best of Zero Trust Security (ActiveLock) Best of Multi-Factor Authentication (Verify 2FA) Best of Biometric Authentication (ActiveLock and Verify 2FA) Expert Insights…
InCompliance RegulationsRemote Workforce Authentication

HIPAA compliance checklist for remote employees in 2022

With rising cyber threats and more people working from home, securing endpoint devices has never been more critical. In the healthcare industry, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects private and sensitive patient data by requiring organizations handling healthcare information to pay closer attention to their protocols and institute airtight security safeguards. Hospitals,…
InCompliance RegulationsTyping BiometricsZero Trust

Cybersecurity Executive Order 14028: What You Need to Know for 2022

In May of 2021, the Biden administration took a big step toward modernizing the cyber defense of the United States. As a response to the growing number of high profile security breaches, President Biden signed Cybersecurity Executive Order 14028 “Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity” — with the goal of protecting federal networks from cyber threats. It…
InAIBehavioral Biometrics

If Using Facial Recognition Software for Workforce Authentication, STOP

When the pandemic forced millions of employees to suddenly work from home, it came at a huge cost to company security — leaving IT security teams unprepared to scale their data security responsibilities. To protect their companies, some turned to stricter protocols to better monitor internal threats, including verifying employee identities with facial recognition software….